Ambition is the last refuge of failure.

Just because I am bored, and it provided a moment of entertainment, I took some random "quiz" about my "political persuasion."

My result?

I am a "Don't tread on me" Libertarian.  I was also provided the following description:

You distrust the government, are fiercely independent, and don't belong in either party.
Religion and politics should never mix, in your opinion... and you feel oppressed by both.
You don't want the government to cramp your self made style. Or anyone else's for that matter.
You're proud to say that you're pro-choice on absolutely everything!

Beyond the obvious shallow assertions made (pro-choice everything? not quite), the description is correct; I don't belong in either party, and I do distrust the government in general. 

Just a simple thing that made me smile.

on Jun 25, 2009

I'm almost the same!   


You Are a Capitalist Republican

Money makes your world go round - and it's no surprise that you always vote your wallet.
You're financially successful (or plan to be), and your agenda is low tax and pro business.
You don't get fired up about abortion... but mention capital gains tax, and you go crazy.
You want government to be as small as possible - and to stay out of the way of business.

[url=]What's Your Political Persuasion?[/url]

on Jun 25, 2009

I'm a Capitalist Republican too!

on Jul 08, 2009

Huh...I took it twice, because there were two questions I could go another way on. So, the first time I came out as a liberal republican. (wtf?) The second, the same as you Jade. No joke.

Weird man...


Be well, ~Alderic.

on Dec 12, 2009

Cap Rep, too.     

on Dec 12, 2009

Being in Oz I don't do US politics... but here I'm 'pro-let's euthanase government'

As in, let's put it out of our misery.

on Dec 13, 2009

Question should be...if you're dumb enough to take any credence in some online quiz being able to determine your id....should you really be allowed out unsupervised?

Boredom is injurious to your health....

Find yourself someone who can read tealeaves least that way you get to drink some it's not all 'bad'....

on Dec 13, 2009

Boredom is injurious to your health....


Indeed! You should be skinning and playing with the software instead!


on Dec 13, 2009

online quizz?   not for me i have enough trouble voicing my opinions in general   lol    oh and i am sure i would be a capitalist monarchist   (here in uk we dont have a president thank god) or a liberal anti-establishment pro democracy free thinking,er, person......

on Dec 13, 2009

.should you really be allowed out unsupervised?

I'm not anyway!  Last time I forgot my way home. 

Fortunately, the cops tracked down my addy through my fingerprints and ran me home.

Find yourself someone who can read tealeaves instead..

Sod it!!!!!  Our Tetleys comes in teabags.

on Dec 13, 2009

The quiz looks harmless, but all it's doing in putting you into a box and labeling you.  Is that who you really are and really want? 

on Dec 13, 2009

It told me I was a "New School Democrat" and that I was probably young and wealthy (WTH?)  -- I don't have any problem taking these online quizzes for entertainment purposes.  One of these days I'll figure out whether I'm "team Jacob" or "team Edward" but not in this year. 

on Dec 13, 2009

You Are a "Don't Tread On Me" Libertarian

Or so it says. I can't stand much of what's going on in this country...but it stems from the way people are and aren't brought up, more than simply "politics" or "economics". I figure "values" are at the root of the problems.

on Dec 13, 2009

I can't stand much of what's going on in this country...but it stems from the way people are and aren't brought up, more than simply "politics" or "economics". I figure "values" are at the root of the problems.

Not to get all deep and philosophical, but don't you think that politics and (especially) economics influences how a person is brought up and what their values are?

on Dec 13, 2009

You've just been profiled by the CIA, NSA, FBI, IRS, Men in Black and Jafo.  Be afraid.....................

on Dec 13, 2009

You've just been profiled by the CIA, NSA, FBI, IRS, Men in Black and Jafo. Be afraid.

No worries here!  I didn't do the quiz (US politics so no point, really), but I do worry about the black van with tinted windows that sits outside my place daily full of G-men. 

When calling friends in the States I've occasionally dialed the wrong number, so I'm thinking CIA, FBI or Homeland Security for the time I got a direct line to the Oval Office and got GWB.

There again, it's probably Google cos of all the times I've dissed 'em.