Ambition is the last refuge of failure.
I've Had It With Newdow
Published on January 14, 2005 By Silver_and_Jade_Tears In Current Events
Newdow is now trying to stop the prayer for the inaugeration.

I've had it with all these self-rightous Anti-theists.

You know what, you claim that we are pushing our Christian beliefs on you. Here's a little common sense... DON'T LISTEN, AND AVOID THE SITUATION!!

I don't agree with the act of prostitution, so I avoid that type of situation, I don't try to stop it, even though it is something that probably should be discontinued.

So, dear Anit-theist, get over yourself, and stop trying to push you beliefs, or lack thereof, on me!

Just don't say "Under God" when you say the pledge.
Don't listen to the inaugeral prayer, or better yet, don't go.
Don't go to a Christian church.
Don't read the 10 commandments in the courtroom.

YOU CAN AVOID IT, so stop trying to take it away from me!


Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 14, 2005
good post, but the godless ones are not going to be happy till all mention everywhere of GOD is removed.
on Jan 14, 2005
I have to agree totally with you; personally I am not a believer in deities, but that is no reason that non-belief should be pushed on you, any more than belief should be pushed at me. We are all entitled to our beliefs and the right to practise them, as long as they do not violate the rights of others.
on Jan 14, 2005
Unfortunately, there are many who feel that way; I have no problems with people having a prayer, if it is heartfelt. I have no problem with the 10 commandments, when taken in a cultural context of trying to define an ethical way of relating with others.
on Jan 14, 2005
godless ones are not going to be happy till all mention everywhere of GOD is removed.

Just to fight them, I think we should start putting God everywhere...then they can have a reason to cry...
That's the problem. Atheists don't feel they are pushing anything on anyone, when in reality it is exactly what they are doing. It offends my sense of moral righteousness and it will come down to a heated battle, in time. I refuse to allow myself to be walked on by anybody else.

EXACTLY!! Well said.

Unfortunately, there are many who feel that way; I have no problems with people having a prayer, if it is heartfelt. I have no problem with the 10 commandments, when taken in a cultural context of trying to define an ethical way of relating with others.

Wish there were more like you BobG!
on Jan 14, 2005
Reply By: xtinePosted: Friday, January 14, 2005All I ask, is that you please don't group us all into the same category. I feel just as offended as you do when preached at by SOME christians...Some, and I would hazzard a guess: most, really mean well and think that they are either trying to save my imortal soul, or following their religion by spreading the word. I have no such motivations and will never tell someone my religious inclinations unless they either 1. Ask me, or 2. Is someone I want to get to know better.Oops, or 3. Write about it in my blog, in which case one can easily navigate away from my GODLESS views.

I respect your right to be godless if you choose ... I would like the same respect if I choose to view God as MY diety k?
on Jan 14, 2005
I respect your right to be godless if you choose ... I would like the same respect if I choose to view God as MY diety k?

on Jan 14, 2005
Have I EVER not respected your right? No. And I will continue to do so. But please don't disrespect me by painting me with a brush of an ugly color as you paint your version of "athesits." Maybe we're miscommunicating here. I call myself atheist. Maybe that's not what you would call me.
on Jan 14, 2005
I think where the crux of the matter lies is in the fact that atheism, as practiced by some, IS a religion; and can be a basis of intolerance in and of itself. There is a distinct difference between having a neutrality toward religions, and having an antipathy toward religions. At that point it becomes and intolerant belief in it's own right.
Just MHO, of course.
on Jan 14, 2005
Reply By: xtinePosted: Friday, January 14, 2005Have I EVER not respected your right? No. And I will continue to do so. But please don't disrespect me by painting me with a brush of an ugly color as you paint your version of "athesits." Maybe we're miscommunicating here. I call myself atheist. Maybe that's not what you would call me.

I met no offense to anyone.. I am just stating my views and my professed love for God. I typed godless ones because I don't know how else to phrase it. k?
on Jan 14, 2005
I believe it was Gideon (too lazy to look) who used the term anti-theist. This is far more accurate in this situation and I think makes a nice distinction between those Silver and Jade was ranting about in the initial post (which I agree with 100%) and those like xtine who quietly choose to believe (or not believe, it is really just semantics) there is no diety. Athiests, while I cannot understand that belief, I have not problem with. Anti-theists, however, are those on a crusade to strike any mention of a divine being from existence. I will continue to actively fight against them.
on Jan 14, 2005
Anti-theists, however, are those on a crusade to strike any mention of a divine being from existence. I will continue to actively fight against them.

Anti-theists...very good word to describle them...

Xtine, I have nothing against most atheists, and I'm not saying you are one of the ones I am angered by. This blog was not directed to you, or your kind, so please don't take it that way. If you go on your way, and not pout about icons of religion, so be it, this was not directed at you. I am not stereotyping anybody, I'm not misunderstanding anybody, or accusing anybody, except the people that insist on try to create a diety -free America. If you aren't one of these people, then there is no reason that you should be offended, becuase this was not directed towards you.
on Jan 14, 2005

Reply #9 By: Silver_and_Jade_Tears - 1/14/2005 2:06:28 PM
Xtine, I'm not sure I understand.

Are you asking me not to group you together as atheists?

I truly try not to, but I have gotten to the point that SOME atheists are giving all the rest bad names, and it's truly beginning to annoy me.


To clarify and not stereotype the many atheists whose opinions I respect, I group them into categories of "Atheist" and "antitheist".

Atheists I have no problem with. Nor do they have a problem with me. We have many good discussions, we just differ over that particular area. And they stimulate me to think in that area, which I appreciate.

Antitheists, on the other hand, are people like Newdow. They aggressively struggle to destroy any public display of religion, and to harass religionists into silence. Atheists should not be grouped in this category, as they do not have such diabolical motives.

Hope this helps.

on Jan 14, 2005
Hah, I thought it was you Gideon who used the antitheist term. I think it is very appropriate. (And it does my heart good to know I am not completely senile yet).
on Jan 14, 2005
I never had heard the term "anti-theists" and since that is what I am ranting about, I am going to change a couple phrases in my blog. I agree with Gideon, I have nothing against atheists, it is the anti-theists.

on Jan 14, 2005
Therefor Xtine, I have nothing against you, therefor you have no reason to become offended.
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