Ambition is the last refuge of failure.
I don't mean politically.
Published on September 21, 2005 By Silver_and_Jade_Tears In Misc
Pretty much anyone that is associated with Mormons (here in Utah, that would be everyone) has heard of the acronym CTR. CTR stands for Choose the Right, which is sort of a... (for lack of a better word) motto for the Mormon church. It is inscribed on their rings, on their posters, and on their bumper stickers.

The ironic thing is that today I was in near accidents with two of these cars that had CTR on them. The first was when I was cut off by a women in a huge SUV. As she turned in front of me, I smiled at the "in your face" irony of her HUGE window sticker, CTR. The second incident was when a man just stopped in the middle of traffic so that he could change lanes. He, also, had a CTR sticker. Hmmm...

So does "Choose the Right" not include driving by the state laws?

on Sep 21, 2005
So does "Choose the Right" not include driving by the state laws?

Only when they do not conflict with church doctrine (and in this case there is no conflict).

Glad to see you posting again!
on Sep 24, 2005
Despite the lack of conflict, I still think it is hypocritical of them.

I don't know if I know you... but I am glad you are reading again...
on Sep 24, 2005
Like everybody else, Mormons aspire to ideals they can't consistently attain.
on Oct 19, 2005
are you old enough to remember the "baby on board" window signs? Nothing stinks of irony like being passed @ 85 in a 55mph sone by a "safe" Volvo station wagon full of rugrats with a "baby on board" sign in the back window.
on Oct 19, 2005
jade? if you ever find out why people act like jackasses on the road, let me know will ya?
on Oct 20, 2005
I am doing this from my phone, so forgive me he it looks weird. I don't remember the baby on board stickers, but I find that as equally ironic as the CTR.
on Oct 20, 2005
I'm also doing this from my cell. I'm driving a 5-speed, got my coffee in the other hand and I've got a dvd playing on my portable player, (season three of the Simpsons). I'm checkin' out my hair in the vanity mirror and munchin' on a Big Mac and fries whilst lookin over at that woman drivin in the car next to me.

Oh Man! Some guy up in front of me just changed lanes without signaling. Some people just don't know how to drive safely!
on Oct 20, 2005
But you see, there is no rush in driving safe, not to mention how fun it is to crash. Spinning out of control at 70 mph is just the thing to get my day started.