Ambition is the last refuge of failure.
Published on April 10, 2009 By Silver_and_Jade_Tears In Everything Else


The majority of problems happen because we are naturally selfish creatures that expect others to have altruistic motives.


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on Apr 11, 2009

there natural instinct is much more enhanced than ours is today, with everything we have now-a-days we've lost alot of the naturall evolution in us, we become dependent on our "things".

Without technology we woulnt be what we are today. u could argue we are much more, or we are slightly less.

And one could argue that our technology is just another part of out evolution. Albiet a somewhat more Lamarckian part.

IMO morality is just a slightly more long term version of selfishness. Morally correct = good for society. If society collapses, everyone loses. It will not be as instantaneous as a selfish decision, but it will have much more implications for the future. Morality is just a code by which we preserve the bonds (primarily trust) which allow a society to fuction.

on Apr 11, 2009

One can deferintiate humans from animals in one major way: Where animals adapt to the world around them, humans make the world adapt to them. That is why we have risin to become the dominant species of this planet. Because of our aggresiveness. That aggressiveness is what prompted us to build cities, to till the land, and it is what has prompted us to expend more energy on trying to destroy our own species that any other species know to exist. That aggressiveness is what tells us to go where none have gone before.



on Apr 12, 2009

We build houses, a gazillion critters dig holes.  The lowly ant does the exact same thing people do, just to a lesser degree.  Beavers even match humans when it comes to terraforming.  You put those little shits into a relatively flat area that drains well and has heavy rainfall, and it will be a swamp when they get through with it.  People drain them, beavers create them.  They even have the edge in building material over a depressingly large portion of the world.  Mud and sticks be a superior building method to concrete and no steel.  In earthquake, concrete and no steel go poof and kill everyone.


There is no scientifically provable advantage over all the other critters.  All we have is scale, we don't actually do anything even remotely unique.  They've been claiming one bit of nonsense after another, and every bit of it has been shown to be just that.  Animals dream, create art, invent tools, form social structures, have spoken and written languages, pass knowledge on to their offspring.

on Apr 12, 2009

There is no scientifically provable advantage over all the other critters.

While there may be no scientifical proof of us having advantages over animals.  There is how ever a more creative way of looking at the advantages we have over animals.  Our main advantages are easy to remember by the "three C's".  They are creativity, choise, and change. Go back to the beaver. When any beaver creates their dam its always the same as the one before, it is the same as the one there parents made, and there parents made, all the way back to when the speceis first apeared. We how ever are always reinventing our homes making them better. When it comes down to chose what is a beaver going to do with his life, he going to make a dam. When it comes to chose with us and our lifes what can we do, heal peope, build homes for people, protect people, theres such a wide varity of things to do. Last is the fact that the human race changes. In the 1700 when fur trapper fond beavers they were making dams. 100 years later we figure out the power of steam to move object 1000 of times heavier than us. weres the beaver, making dams. Another 100 years and we figured out how to fly a feet acomplished by very few speices. weres the beaver, still making dams. Another hundred years and we had done some thing no other speices has done nor probalily will ever do and that is probeling our selfs off the planet to space. weres the beaver, still making dams. What makes us superior is the fact that we are able to evolve faster than any speices know to man kind.

on Apr 12, 2009

How fast a species evolves is somewhat based on how well suited to their environment. Based on your argument, beavers are more well suited to their environment than we are to ours. The reason beaver dams are the same is purely functionality. If you make a beaver dam any different it just wont work.

on Apr 12, 2009

were perfectly adept to our environment, as a matter of fact we create our own environment as we see fit.

as in we dont look for a suitable environment but take an environment and make/recreate the environment to be suitable to us.


for example, we actualy evolved to wear clothes!

on Apr 12, 2009

Indeed. This concept of changing the world as opposed to adapting to it is what makes us unique. It is what makes us truly human.

on Apr 12, 2009

Huh? Animals manipulate their environments just like humans do.

Animals build nests from, or in, nearby surroundings.

Lemon Ants kill all but one species of plant, thus providing themselves with more nesting sights (the plant type that survives their poison).

Various species of ants will basically farm aphids as livestock; moving them from one feeding ground to the next and feeding off of the honeydew produced by the aphids. In turn the ants protect the aphids and provide them with ideal feeding grounds.


People are animals, we've just taken these things to a whole new level. I think an important trait that people have, that animals don't is Synesthesia.

on Apr 12, 2009

Exactly. Intelligence works on a sliding scale, as opposed to being some sort of binary quality.

on Apr 12, 2009

i was thinking the same thing about the termite hills in afrika, wich in scale are bigger than anything we have ever build.

however, a termite hill is like a city for these termites and i have yet to see a termite hill containing a baker, butcher, restaurant, casino, red light district or cinema and such.


animals only "edit" to their primal needs.

a nursery, a birth chamber containing the queen etc.

like a honeybee only eats honey and a honeybee will never think: i think i'll eat something else tonight...i think i'll eat my honey spicey today.


so we dont just recreate our environment to just suit our survival needs, we recreate it to pleasure us aswell, we recreate it to our own "eden".

also ants and termites dont really rest, they "work" 7 whole days per week without ever taking or amagining taking a vacation.


its as if the difference between us and animals is being able to "think outside the box".

on Apr 12, 2009

When my dad was a kid the family had a dog with more sense than the typical kid his own age.  The little shit liked carrots, a fairly common trait among asian decent canines.  This dog would clean the dirt off around the tops of the carrots until he found one that was a nice size, pull it, fill the hole back in, wipe the dirt off the carrot in the grass, and hide the top when he was done.  The kids were taking the rap for it too.  As if anyone would suspect a dog of covering his tracks so carefully, or checking the size before pulling them up.


As someone cleaning out beaver dams on a fairly regular basis, I can personally attest to the superior construction skills of certain individuals.  Some build loose dams, some build them tight.  I've pulled out dams where the little shits sunk support beams into the banks and wove the sticks together like they were braiding hair.  The beaver that designed those was a fucking genius of a beaver.  I had to cut them out piece by piece, the normal beaver dam is a cinch to remove because beavers aren't designing dams with the intent of making them hard to remove.  They're tough as nails only in one direction, from the back you just yank on the limbs and they practically remove themselves.  The only thing I can think of is that one of the little shits got tired of me undoing their work every day and tried to fix the problem.


By all means though, pretend we're unique.

on Apr 13, 2009

We atre unique in that the dog and the beaver do nothing to change their behavior: they will keep building dams and pulling up carrots as long as there are reivers and gardens. Humans, on the other hand, adapt rapidly (sometimes within a single generation or less) to changing situations.

on Apr 13, 2009

Humans, on the other hand, adapt rapidly (sometimes within a single generation or less) to changing situations.

We may adapt quickly, but perhaps that just means our destruction all the sooner. 

Humans have evolvedbecause of our ability to lie, (which can also attribute to our ability to manipulate on such a grand scale).

This was, I believe, our tool for survival, where we had no physical defenses against predators.  We did, however, have our ability to lie.  Ironic that it is both the basis of our existance/survival, yet something that we hold as such a negative trait in our society.

on Apr 13, 2009

This was, I believe, our tool for survival, where we had no physical defenses against predators. We did, however, have our ability to lie.

Explain this, please. How does the ability to lie protect an animal from predation?

on Apr 13, 2009

Explain this, please. How does the ability to lie protect an animal from predation?

I don't mean lying in just the verbal, "Honey, I'm NOT having an affair," kind of way, (though that could be one way, haha,) but as a general term that covers things such as manipulation of nature, and camouflage.  For example, We can't out-fight a wolf, but we can make it believe that we are something we are not, with the use of banging rocks, and shouting. 

Camouflage, or blending in with nature, in order to lie to the predators senses, such as rolling in mud to hide our scent. 

Manipulating stone to make arrows, and ultimitely manipulating nature in order to create things such as plastic, and steel out of things that were once natural, but cannot co-exist with nature, creating a sort of "false naturality."

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