Ambition is the last refuge of failure.
Hee hee
Published on January 6, 2007 By Silver_and_Jade_Tears In Blogging
I'm confused.

Not unusual for me, at least, not anymore. Since when is your "score," and the amount of points that you have, different? Or has it always been like that, and I have just completely forgotten?

I really don't have anything to say, except, hello, again. I told you that I would stop by every now and then, even though JoeUser is no longer my main blog site.


on Jan 06, 2007
well then fark off
on Jan 06, 2007

Wow, jennifer, that was just idiotic.  What is the point of telling someone who is stopping by to say "Hi" to fark off? 

Silver and Jade: It has always been that way.  There are user points and blog points.  Your user pointes depend on your replies and how many replies you get.  Your blog score is based on the number of points your articles have.

on Jan 06, 2007
well then fark off

What is your problem?

There are user points and blog points. Your user pointes depend on your replies and how many replies you get. Your blog score is based on the number of points your articles have.

I see. That expains it. I guess I did just forget.
on Jan 06, 2007

Since I have always been one of you fans may I ask where  are you bloging  now? ZI would like to be able to read you once again.


happy new year btw.

If you do not want to share you new blogsite I completely understand.

MM   aka   Elie

on Jan 06, 2007
But if you drop in here time to time and blog here that would be nice too. MM
on Jan 06, 2007
Since I have always been one of you fans may I ask where are you bloging now? ZI would like to be able to read you once again.

Hey. No, I'm fine sharing with you the address of where I currently blog. I'll email it to you...but I need your email first.

But if you drop in here time to time and blog here that would be nice too. MM

I've been sort of coming and going, I just haven't written anything. I just thought I'd pop one in.

on Jan 06, 2007

Glad to see you back.  As for the scores, Zoomba is working on updating JU about now, so I would not even look at things like scores and such until he is finished.

In other words, I have no clue!