I think that I am all blogged out...
My writing tends to come in spurts, and right now...for the past few weeks actually...it's been hard to think of things to write. This isn't a new thing. I have started 13 diaries, and about the middle of the book, the desire to record my thoughts has disappeared. I used to keep my diaries, but a few years ago I threw them all out. I was tired of having my starts and stops around.
I am afraid that is what will happen to this blog. I don't particularly want it to, but the desire to blog has faded. I find myself working more than blogging, even at lunch, and at times that the work day should be ended. Perhaps this is just a temporary thing, I haven't blogged enough to know...only three and a half months...
So I don't know, should I just ride this out, see if the desire to blog again returns, or if I should just leave. Not leave leave, as in never come back, but leave as in not post articles anymore, unless something dramatic involving the US or the world happens, and I want to share my thoughts.
I really don't know if I have it in me to continue this blog...don't get me wrong, JU is a wonderful place...but after awhile, it all seems the same. The same pc customization articles, the same "this is my life" articles, the same political spew articles...
I'm not depressed, just...wondering...
Do I have it in me to continue this blog? Is it worth it?