Ambition is the last refuge of failure.
I'm Only Me
Published on April 12, 2005 By Silver_and_Jade_Tears In Misc
I'm writing for me. That's all I have to remember. It's spring, and I am happy. Extremely tired from working all day, everyday for the past few weeks, but happy. I have one comment about working for a CPA office: tax season is insane.

There is less than two months until I go to Thailand. I am insanely happy, despite the fact the tickets were over a thousand dollars. I hope the trip is worth it.

I am also nervous about meeting Jack's family. I have studied up on Thai customs, and honestly, I don't know how much I can really do to make them like me. I speak a tiny bit of Thai, mainly a few basic phrases, and that's a negative for me, according to any books I have read. I can do the wai which is a respectful Thai greeting, and I know basic respectful gestures, such as not placing books on the floor, taking off shoes before entering some stores and all residences, and not wearing immodest clothing. Each of those are easy, but I am afraid that I am going to become overwhelmed, and forget everything.

That's my story for now...

Oh, except one thing...

Hello again.

on Apr 12, 2005
hello to you too, real nice to see you {the one I call silver threads and golden needles} glad yo are back.
on Apr 13, 2005

I wish you the best of luck with his parents, i'm sure they'll see how lovely and nice you are, you seem like you're putting a lot of effort into it, they'll notice it and it ^can only be good points for u.

Anyhoo, welcome back too.
on Apr 14, 2005
I wish you the best of luck with his parents, i'm sure they'll see how lovely and nice you are, you seem like you're putting a lot of effort into it, they'll notice it and it ^can only be good points for u.

When I am thinking sensibly, that's what I tell myself. But then I start reading all the "do this, don't do this" books, and I get nervous all over again. Hopefully his family wont be extra formal around me because I am a foreigner. That will drive me nuts.

Hi to both of you too.
on Apr 14, 2005
Good to see you again.