Helix, S&JT said it correctly, and it has been blogged before. Most Atheist dont care and dont ram their non-belief down anyone's throat. It is the Anti-Theist that are more rabid than even the evangelical right! And they must be stopped.
I see your dilemna. But I think if we correctly call them Anti-Theist, that counts you out, and them as the loons! I respect your right to not believe, and it does not bother me. That you dont care if I beleive indicates you are not bothered by my belief either.
It is sad that often a broad brush is applied when a narrow one is what is called for. It is similar to what I said in another blog, and you have followed through on. You have repudiated them, and so there is a clear difference. And that is to your credit.
I do believe you are 100% correct! Insightful from me!
I told him that already! He says he is having some problems. But he does have some great comments, and hopefully will solve them soon. I would like to see some of his thoughts in his own blogs!
...sorry for inspiring the edit, xtine...hehe
Anyway, to the point. I never knew for sure you were an atheist, and never cared. To me it was (and is) irrelevant to who you are as a person. You have always been insightful, intelligent, and a valuable contributor to the JU community, and that knows no religious boundaries.
No, your comments are in context, and are very insightful. Dont be embarrased by them. There is nothing wrong with them. I read it after she changed it, but it was clear by the comments that you were addressing the prejudice against atheist, not anti-theists.
His wisdom is lost. Perhaps he can post a comment now based upon the revised blog and his own views. I would hope so. He had some great ones.