Ambition is the last refuge of failure.
I've Had It With Newdow
Published on January 14, 2005 By Silver_and_Jade_Tears In Current Events
Newdow is now trying to stop the prayer for the inaugeration.

I've had it with all these self-rightous Anti-theists.

You know what, you claim that we are pushing our Christian beliefs on you. Here's a little common sense... DON'T LISTEN, AND AVOID THE SITUATION!!

I don't agree with the act of prostitution, so I avoid that type of situation, I don't try to stop it, even though it is something that probably should be discontinued.

So, dear Anit-theist, get over yourself, and stop trying to push you beliefs, or lack thereof, on me!

Just don't say "Under God" when you say the pledge.
Don't listen to the inaugeral prayer, or better yet, don't go.
Don't go to a Christian church.
Don't read the 10 commandments in the courtroom.

YOU CAN AVOID IT, so stop trying to take it away from me!


Comments (Page 4)
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on Jan 14, 2005

Really? Do a web search, you'll get lots of info there. But he was an artist and film maker.

Films?  Never heard of them.  But then I am not a fan, so tis possible.

on Jan 16, 2005
Do a web search, you'll get lots of info there.

Didn't have time at that moment...

I wish Newdow's 15 were over...
on Jan 17, 2005

I wish Newdow's 15 were over...

I think in about 4 days they will be.

on Jan 17, 2005
Just to fight them, I think we should start putting God everywhere...then they can have a reason to cry...

God already *is* everywhere. You can't swing a cat in America without some Jesus freak getting fur in his mouth.

I've been threatened too many times because I'm an atheist to take much of anything quietly. I've had my job threatened, my home threatened, my safety threatened. "Love your neighbor" is the biggest joke that Christanity ever told.

Why is it so bad to keep God out of the government? There are churches dotted all across the landscape -- nobody's trying to close them down. You can decorate your home in wall to wall Virgin Mary wallpaper, saint's bones, and pieces of the True Cross if you want. You can pray at McDonald's or the local Whattaburger over your french fries. You can have the entire bible tattooed on your body if you want. You have religious freedom.

So quit your whining. It amazes me how people in the majority can still have such a skewed martyr complex. I guess it comes from the examples you follow.

If you like theocracies so much, I suggest you find one to live in.
on Jan 17, 2005
p.s. if God really is omnipotent and omnipresent, he's already in the government buildings -- don't you think? surely the all-powerful creator of the universe won't get his feelings hurt if he has to remain in his invisible, still-small-voice form sometimes

on Jan 17, 2005
Don't listen to the inaugeral prayer, or better yet, don't go.

So when, and if, the day comes that our president is Muslim and wants to chant the Koran at the Inauguration, you will simply refrain from attending rather than saying that it doesn't belong?

Every citizen of this country has the right to watch the President take the oath of office--they also have the right to say that the prayer bothers them and shouldn't be included. It is up to the Supreme Court to rule if it is a violation of present law. I personally have no problem with the prayer--but I also wouldn't have a problem with reciting the Koran, or any other religious text. However, the fact that it doesn't offend me, doesn't mean that it is right and that the practice should be allowed to continue.

As Myrrander said--you have the ability to express your beliefs in a variety of ways. Please don't pretend that the atheists or anti-theists are persecuting you because they are disagreeing with you and working within the law to change it.

Just for the record, because I know the response will assume something about me--I'm very much Christian-- which leads to another point--don't assume that all Christians profess the same political beliefs!
on Jan 17, 2005

So when, and if, the day comes that our president is Muslim and wants to chant the Koran at the Inauguration, you will simply refrain from attending rather than saying that it doesn't belong?

Yes.  But I wont refrain.  After all, what if Lieberman had won?  It is their right to choose their god they profess in.  Freedom of Religion is NOT freedom from religion

on Jan 17, 2005
Thank you Myrrander & Shadesofgrey.
on Jan 17, 2005
Freedom of religion includes having no religion at all. Read up on some Jefferson and Madison.

"An alliance or coalition between Government and religion cannot be too carefully guarded against......Every new and successful example therefore of a PERFECT SEPARATION between ecclesiastical and civil matters is of importance........religion and government will exist in greater purity, rather than with the aid of government."

--James Madison
on Jan 18, 2005
It amazes me how people in the majority can still have such a skewed martyr complex

next to the constitutional issues, this what troubles me most about theist chickenlittlism ('the cross is falling...the cross is falling!').   it's ignorant (in the sense of ignoring the obvious) and/or dishonest to claim christians or any adherents of any other religion arent free to express, practice and promote their beliefs openly within the broad limits set forth by the constitution and local statutes regulating all forms of expression, ritual and promotion.  insisting that might makes right is nothing short of thuggery.
on Jan 19, 2005
not getting myself involved in this discussion, just leaving this one to let you know that i wrote a comment on your previous post about brazilian diplomacy.. anyone interested, email me..
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