Imagine one day you were to come across a young man digging a hole in the earth with a shovel. An inquiry into his actions leads to the conclusion that he is digging his grave. Likely you would find this intriguing, and would attempt to draw more information from the man. Suppose the man explained that he wanted the best grave he could create throughout the years of his existence. The man is literally spending his life preparing the resting place for h...
I happened across these rules of argument techniques, adapted from Arthur Schopenhauer's The Art of Controversy, written to expose "illogical fallacies used intentionally to flummox your opponent." Congratulations, everyone here at JU is excellent at "intelligent dishonestly." I believe we deserve a gigantic gold -----------------------------------------------------------------------...
I'm confused. Not unusual for me, at least, not anymore. Since when is your "score," and the amount of points that you have, different? Or has it always been like that, and I have just completely forgotten? I really don't have anything to say, except, hello, again. I told you that I would stop by every now and then, even though JoeUser is no longer my main blog site. Cheerio.
For the past few months, I have been exploring my own personal beliefs in what I was raised to believe was "the way," or what I was taught about God, and what He expects from us. I happened upon Little Whips post of "My Issues with Christians." A year ago, I would have been offended. Today, I look at it, and consider it. The main reason for this post is one of the comments on LW's article. MasonM posted "I agree that no person can even begin to truly understand the nature of God. ...
Have you ever clicked on a "Goodbye JU" article, and it was from someone you didn't even know blogged here? I did, today. She (I think) said that she had been here for awhile, and she was going somewhere else because "All there is to it is a bunch of overly sensitive people who need to get a life." Hmmmm.... I find it very offending when a teenager (again I am assuming this after shuffling through her old articles) tells mature (in most cases) people that they need to get a life. Per...
There have been quite a few incidents in the news lately that deal with celebrities, and the police. Here are a few instance: earlier this month, Lost star, Michelle Rodriguez became verbally abusive when police tried to arrest her for drunk driving, Kate Moss was video-taped doing drugs, and police got ahold of the tape, Brad Renfro was arrested after trying to buy heroin from an undercover cop, and then I heard something on the radio (though I can't find anything about it on internet new...
I have little quirks. Everyone does. And though mine aren't all that unusual, they are sometimes funny, and for some odd reason, I feel like sharing some of them. (The ones that I am aware of.) 1- If I have a plate of food, say carrots, mashed potatoes, and fried chicken, I can only have small portions. Why? Because none of my food can touch another type of food. So of the chicken ends up with a little bit of mashed potatoes on them, I wont eat it. I have heard that this is a tendanc...
Friday morning (we're talking about early morning, as in around 1:30 AM) was a first (and hopefully a last) for me. I ran (or drove quickly) away from a Davis County Sheriff. I don't make it a habit of running from cops, especially Sheriffs, but this was the exception. Before you go and condemn me to whatever painful afterlife you believe in, let me explain. Thursday night around 11:00 PM, my boyfriend and I got into a dramatic, intense...shall we say...discussion. Since we were bot...
My brother has decided that he is going to join the Army. My brother is 17, hates authority, and doesn't have a clue to what real-life is like. What 17-year-old does? He spends his days playing computer games that supposedly imitate real-life battles, but despite the gore, there is no reality in them because he is safe in a chair, not out where it's really life or death. While I appreciate our troops, I am scared to death for my brother. Though I know it's selfish of me, I am glad that...
Hello all... I find that when I comment occasionally, I get "miss you's," which do make me feel good, but guilty at the same time. I don't frequent JU as much as I used to, but I do get around to some of my favorite bloggers, and keep up on your lives. I am able to get on a bit more now than I have been able to the past few months because I started a new job on Nov. 28th, so I now have constant (almost) access to the internet. During the summer (and half of fall) stay with my da...
In an article that I wrote about working in an accounting office, I had 43 referrals. I found that kind of odd, after all an accounting office isn't the most interesting thing that was ever written about, and lo-and-behold, I find that most of those referrals were from poker sites. Nowhere in the article does it mention anything about poker. I find that incredibly odd. Let's do a little test... let's see how many referrals I get from search sites with terms like... "The sins of poker...
On my last article about working at a CPA office, I had 5 replies, some of which were my own. That is the new norm for me, because of my lack of.... dailly blogging. The odd thing is that 746 people clicked on that article. Yes, I realize that some were reclicking, for whatever reason, but all the same, out of approx 746 people, I had less than 5 replies. I do the same thing. When I first log on to JU, I often just read through the new posts, or recent replies, and browse some of my fa...
I think that I am all blogged out... My writing tends to come in spurts, and right now...for the past few weeks's been hard to think of things to write. This isn't a new thing. I have started 13 diaries, and about the middle of the book, the desire to record my thoughts has disappeared. I used to keep my diaries, but a few years ago I threw them all out. I was tired of having my starts and stops around. I am afraid that is what will happen to this blog. I don't part...